Tuesday, March 24, 2009
कागज़ के टुकड़े पर में उसे लिख डाला,
अब वो टुकडा रोज़ मैं देखता हूँ,
और एक कदम आगे बढाता हूँ,
कभी दायें और कभी बाएं भी जाता हूँ,
और एक कदम पीछे भी कभी आता हूँ,
पर एक नर्तक की तरह, मेरी आँखें एक टक, एक तरफ़ देखती हैं,
अपने लक्ष्य को।
चलते चलते कभी आँख के सामने बादल आते हैं, और कभी एक खूब सूरत नज़ारा,
ऐसे लम्हों में कभी शक उठता है ख़ुद पर, और कभी लगता है इसी मंज़र को मंजिल बना लूँ,
फिर वो कागज़ का टुकडा देखता हूँ,
माया के बादल आँख से हटाता हूँ,
अपने लक्ष्य को दूर से देखता हूँ,
कुछ पत्थर और हटाता हूँ,
और फिर अपनी राह बनाता हूँ,
एक कदम और बढाता हूँ.
Friday, February 6, 2009
पायें जो हम पाने आये,
वो भी पायें जो हम चाहें,
शक्ति संकल्प की समझते जाएँ,
आओ थोड़ा संकल्प बढ़ाएं।
करके हम वो भी दिखलायें,
करके हम ये भी दिखलायें,
शक्ति संकल्प की समझते जाएँ,
और फिर हम संकल्प बढ़ाएं।
इसको भी हम राह दिखाएँ,
उसको भी हम साथ ले जायें,
अपना सच जब "संकल्प" बन जाए,
हम फिर सबको ये सिखलाएँ,
शक्ति संकल्प की सबको समझाए,
सबका फिर हम संकल्प बढ़ाएं,
फिर सब वो पायें जो पाने आए,
उसका फिर हम शुकर मनाएं,
जिसके चाहने से हम आए।
उसने फिर उस से मिलाया,
जिसने उस तक हमें पहुँचाया।
उसके ही हम गीत गायें,
सबको साथ हम ले के जायें,
अपना परोपकार बढ़ाएं,
आओ अब हम सम हो जायें,
संकल्प से हम सब कर जायें।
Friday, November 28, 2008
I don't deserve you.
When one gets something that one thinks does not deserve, how happy one is. If the same is applied to a relationship, it also translates to happiness. But here the feeling of 'having got more than what is deserved' should be from both sides.(Do not consider this an inferiority complex). If the same is from both sides, then the intensity of love and dedication increases.
The chances of doubts about the relationship, cropping up also vanish. Acceptance goes up as it is one's own choice (and in fact more than that). Although on the face of it, this may seem selfish, but it is a positive intention. There is a condition to it also, that is--it should happen naturally. One cannot force it to happen. Also it is better and more enjoyable when it is natural.
There is another perspective in which the situation turns out to be negative. It is when fear comes into picture and one reacts in the fear of losing.In trying to suppress the other, the feeling that was from both the sides is converted to a single sided feeling and the relationship sours up. Although the fear of losing is there in both scenarios, but in one case, one becomes humble, and in the other reacts/holds the other person. Generally the former scenario happens more as the ego comes down to zero level. There can be change when a confirmed possession happens. (Like marriage or public acceptance of the other as partner/Legalizing a relationship)
One has to be composed and not affected by doubts created by mind and should carry the same feeling in a composed manner to maintain the sweetness in the relationship.
Relationship can be any of love pairs, friends, business partners or any more.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Goal - While following it...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Experience - Own Truth
If I have gone through something and I tell you the result of it, it won't become your experience till you go through the similar event yourself. Any event told by anybody and an event you have gone through will generate your own experience and hence generate confidence. Time has its own way of explaining things and this is where our elders are ahead of us. (The more aware you are, the more you gain from their words). But it also depends on how rich they have made their experience, how much they have grasped from it, how RIGHT what they have gathered is. The more you gather, richer the experience becomes and more you will fetch out of it. So deeper the experience, more competent you become.( And hey! isn't that what you want?) Also here you can also surpass your elders if you have a richer experience of the same event. So be slow, calm, conscious & open to absorb whatever situation life throws at you.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Goal - Search, Follow & Stick
1. Search what exactly you are, what would suit you, what you would love to do all your life & what your aptitude is pointing towards. You can use one method. Take a paper, divide it into two areas, mark one "I like" and the other one "I don't like" and then sincerely write whatever comes to your mind, whatever means purely whatever(may not be related to professional areas of work). After this, give yourself time. Let the thoughts stay in your mind for some time. Now you see which streams are already existing or you will have to develop a new stream of work. Feel free and be creative to do anything(existing or developing new).
2. Follow and Stick to the goal you have decided. It will not be easy to give a start, so you will have to gather all your energy and will power to do it. There will be times when many elements will be working against you to de-motivate and make you fail, to make you succumb to them but you have to follow the goal. At times, there will be luring opportunities to take you away from your goal. Nature will keep check on you that you really want it at all the times the same goal, so that it can provide you all the support(after all if you are not clear, nature would not lose a chance to take it back, so stay clear at "all times"). You may have to wait sometimes, move sometimes, take few steps back or even take a left turn and change your path for a while, but your eye should be on it(Never worry in such times, these are going to come).
The best books that link to these are "Johanathan Livingstone Seagull" by Richard Bach which shows the fight against everything to achieve & "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho which describes the goal following and times faced while following it.
One more thing one should take care is to stay "GENUINE" at all times.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
They say “Patience outcomes to a sweet fruit” “ Sabra ka phal meetha hota hai”
How do u keep it? Will it yield a fruit? When will it end? Itnee queries…. Ya aur bhee….Are your efforts in right direction to yield results? This you have to continuously judge and keep Patience. Stay, stay, stay and stick for success to achieve the sweet fruit. There will be moments when attractions will lure u, there will be time when u will feel frustration, u will feel low, even if the butterflies increase their movement in